Since I moved into my new home overlooking Lake Victoria there have been periodic barking interventions by my neighbor’s five very aggressive dogs. Dogs are a major form of security in Tanzania, especially among the population with resources. They are a normal part of life that one needs to adjust to when coming here. But these dogs are different. Usually when dogs bark at night it is only for a short period of time then the silence returns. These dogs bark continually through the night. A few nights ago one of the dogs bark for over an hour straight. It was time to see the neighbor.
She explained to me that even she was kept up all night a few nights ago also. She said the problem is “imani potovu” (bad faith). She is referring to witchcraft. She believes dark spirits sent by malevolent witchdoctors are surrounding her house at night that the dogs can sense but humans can’t. I listened to her without judgment for I knew she really believed these visitors in the dark and was full of fear.
What to do? Firstly, I see the situation as not of dark spirits but something with the dogs. I do not accept her advice that this is witchcraft and because we live in Tanzania, we will just have to put up with the situation. I will speak with her and share with her my view. I will ask her to get rid of the dogs and get a guard. I will offer to help her with the costs of the guard’s salary. What if she refuses? I will have to find a place to sleep where the dogs do not bark through the night.