Usually the local diocesan priests take a group preached retreat together for five days each year, as do many religious congregations. But this year it will be different. The bishop came over to see me before the new year and asked if I would be willing to give a short 3 day retreat based on the model of individual retreats we give at the House of Prayer. I agreed.
Now, what does that mean? What kind of retreats do we have here? What was the bishop looking for that is different than the annual priest retreats? Well, it means a Directed Contemplative Retreat which includes, Silence, Prayerful Reflection, meeting with a Spiritual Director once a day and Contemplative REST of body, mind and spirit.
The retreat will be different in the way we are asking the priests to ‘retreat’ from their over-busy lives and to REST enough to LISTEN to God’s STILL small voice deep within.
I think the bishop is looking for an opportunity for his priests to encounter Jesus Christ in a deeply personal way. I hope we can provide the SPACE for such an encounter; the rest is up to them and the SPIRIT.