Tomorrow we will have our second Christian Meditation Retreat in Swahili from 9:30am to 4:30pm. We will start the day with Judy leading us with some exercises to limber up the joints, followed by 3 periods of teaching and meditation, in-between these periods will be free time to reflect and pray. The day ends with a meal of rice and beans and Eucharist.
We have an overflow group of 37 people coming. What are they looking for? What are their spiritual needs? What are their physical and psychological needs? Many are looking for healing. Healing services are really big here. They are usually large noisy affairs offering people a chance to be healed of all sorts of aliments with a big focus on “driving out the Devil”. The methods used are on the aggressive side with much shouting.
So many of our forgotten people are oppressed by lack of food, medical care, education and a healthy spiritual care. We hope to offer a gentle way of attending to the people’s interior struggles. We seek an inner healing in Christ that will gift the people with healing and peace as we sit silently together in faith and love in our Resurrected Lord, who now dwells within us.